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Terminology Workshop –
German to English Translation Pitfalls
(Financial and Business Texts)

Friday, 8 December 2017
with Deborah Fry M.A. (Cantab.), Dip. Trans

About the speaker

Translation Pitfalls: An 80/20 Approach to German-to-English Financial and Business Texts

Certain words, concepts, and stylistic problems cause translators a disproportionate amount of trouble. Aimed at German to English financial translators, this practical one-day seminar is designed to focus specifically on these common pitfalls. It does so in line with the 80/20 principle – that 80 percent of results frequently come from 20 percent of efforts. The content is drawn from the lecturer’s more than twenty years of experience as a translation quality manager, translator trainer, and reviser. From A for Abwicklung to Z for Zusammenarbeit, the problems addressed will be familiar to every translator of German-to-English financial and business texts.
We will look at how to identify issues and potential solutions, and will discuss meanings using examples from translated financial reports and other documents. Group exercises will allow participants to test their knowledge and apply what they have learned. Further reading and practical tips for communicating and resolving issues will also be provided, while the seminar materials will offer a handy terminology resource. Active participation is sought and attendees are encouraged to send in terms for discussion in advance.

Attendees will:

• Learn how to identify and approach core pitfalls
• Learn multiple meanings for key problem terms in German-to-English financial and business translation
• Gain practical tips on how to communicate and resolve issues
• Test their knowledge and practice what they have learned
• Receive reference resources and further reading


Target group
German-to-English translators who want to improve their skills. The workshop will be held in English.

Place: Design Offices, Gervinusstraße 15-17, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Date: Friday, 8 December 2017
Time:  9:30 bis 17:30 hrs.

Fee: EUR 320.00. The fee is exclusive of VAT. It includes coffee breaks, lunch and materials.

Registrations: Please send an e-mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. stating the seminar and date, name and company name (if applicable), billing address, phone/fax/cell/e-mail.
You can also register by fax to: (+43) 810 9554 460085